PhD research project available to study the effects of landscape structure 
and WOLF predation on the distribution of PLAINS BISON 

We are looking for a Ph.D. candidate to participate in a research project 
on the spatial dynamics of bison distribution in Prince Albert National 
Park, Saskatchewan. The research objective is to gain ecological 
information that can help to elaborate management strategies to decrease 
the excursion of bison in agricultural lands adjacent to the park. More 
specifically, this project will evaluate how habitat functional 
connectivity is linked to predation risk by grey wolf and to landscape 
structure. Based on this knowledge, the candidate will establish local 
habitat modifications that can influence the global distribution of bison. 
Bison (>30) and 3-4 wolf packs will be followed with GPS collars. The 
project will require several field seasons under harsh weather conditions. 
The candidate will be part of a research team combining researchers, 
graduate students, and managers from Laval University (D. Fortin), 
University of Saskatchewan (P. McLoughlin) and Parks Canada. The student 
will be registered at Laval University.

Qualifications: Have completed an M.Sc. in biological sciences or 
forestry. Have a valid driver license. Have a strong interest in wildlife 
conservation, modeling, spatial ecology and statistics. Laval University 
is a French university and some basic French is desirable. Knowledge of 
GIS and field experience is an advantage.

A fellowship of 16 500$/year is available for 3 years. However, students 
admissible for NSERC and FQRNT fellowships will be favored.

Documents to provide: Applicants for this position should forward a short 
covering letter indicating their motivation, accompanied by a current CV, 
unofficial transcripts and contact information of three references.  We 
will start reviewing the applications on 23 September 2009.

Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon, 1045, av. de la 
Université Laval, Québec (Qc) G1V 0A6, Canada

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