The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is a 
part of the ETH domain. Approximately 500 people work on the sustainable use 
and protection of the environment and on the handling of natural hazards.

The Research Unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, which deals with 
all aspects of biodiversity from genes to ecosystems and which has strong 
links into practical management, is looking, per August 1, 2015, for a PhD 
student in spatial ecology and habitat network modelling.

The interdisciplinary project CHECNET focusses on coupling ecological 
habitat networks with land-use/transport networks. You will develop a new 
method for constructing habitat networks that predicts occurrences of animal 
species resulting from changes in land-use and/or traffic flows on the Swiss 
Plateau. You work with existing occurrence data from a range of animal 
groups. You publish your work in international scientific journals and 
present them at conferences.

You have a Master in Biology, Environmental Sciences or Geography, are 
interested in spatial ecology and have experience with the modelling of 
habitat connectivity, habitat suitability and/or networks. You also have 
experience with programming (R, Python, Matlab) and GIS (ArcGIS, QGIS). You 
enjoy communication and collaboration in an interdisciplinary project and 
are fluent in English.

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