The Sala lab ( at Arizona State University is
recruiting PhD students interested on precipitation controls of net primary
production. Our current research projects focus on the relationships
between aboveground to belowground components of net primary productivity
along a precipitation gradient. We integrate field manipulative experiments
with simulation modeling and analysis of long-term data. There are ongoing
experiments across sites in New Mexico, Colorado and Kansas testing
plant-response and trophic-cascade hypotheses.

Our lab is in the School of Life Sciences and we work on tight
collaboration with the Jornada Basin LTER (NM), Semiarid Grassland Research
Center (CO) and Konza Prairie LTER (KS). For information about graduate
studies at ASU visit:

The successful applicant should have a BS or MS in a relevant field of
study, field work skills, and the ability to work with an interdisciplinary
team. Formal application deadline to ASU Environmental Life Sciences PhD
program is December 15th. Please contact Osvaldo Sala (
) prior to submission to assess common interests. Students that are from
groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM are encouraged to apply.

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