PhD position in Tree Ecophysiology

A joint PhD position is available to start on January 1, 2019 at the Chair
of Ecophysiology and Vegetation Ecology of the Julius-von-Sachs-Institute
for Biosciences, University of Würzburg, Germany
( and the Ecosystem
Modelling Group of the Center for Computational and Theoretical Biology
(CCTB), University of Würzburg, Germany
The salary will be paid according to TV-L (50% position) for the duration of
three years.

Project description: Given impeding climate warming and the increase in
frequency and intensity of heat waves in Central Europe, identification of
tree species that can cope with these environmental pressures and
understanding how they respond to drought-stress are of great importance.
Although several tree physiological attributes are related to drought-stress
resistance and survival after severe heat, recent studies highlight the
importance of plant hydraulic traits for predicting drought-induced tree
mortality and their potential to forecast species’ distribution in a
changing climate. However, most plant hydraulic traits are labour-intense,
hindering the compilation of large global datasets needed for the systematic
inclusion of tree species in predictive mechanistic models. To fill this
gap, a set of plant functional traits related to drought survival will be
measured for 50 native and non-native temperate broad-leaved tree species,
including structural, hydraulic, anatomical, and foliar traits. The PhD
candidate will characterize the drought-stress resistance of these species
and search for tradeoffs between vascular, hydraulic and foliar traits.
These ecophysiological traits will be used to calibrate already available
structurally-realistic ecophysiological models for tree growth and
structural traits will be used to validate model assumptions on trait
trade-offs and trait syndromes. The PhD candidate will then use the
calibrated model to identify what traits or trait syndromes jointly
co-evolved and to
forecast tree performance under future climate scenarios.

Requirements: Applicants should hold a master or diploma degree in biology,
forestry, environmental sciences, or a related discipline. Candidates with
field and laboratory research experience in plant hydraulic and/or wood
anatomical measurements are preferred. Advanced command of English and the
ability to write scientific manuscripts is essential. Basic knowledge in
mechanistic modelling and scientific programming (e.g. GIS, R, C++) is a
plus. We are looking for an outstanding and highly motivated candidate, who
is team-oriented and willing to learn and work independently and precisely.
The University of Würzburg is an equal opportunities employer and places
particular emphasis on fostering career opportunities for female scientists
and scholars. Qualified women are therefore strongly encouraged to apply.
Disabled persons with equivalent aptitude for the position will be favoured.

Application: Applications including a letter of motivation, research
experience, CV with degree certificates and grades, and copies of
publications if available should be sent by October 10, 2018 as single
pdf-document to Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schuldt
( and Prof. Dr. Juliano Sarmento Cabral

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