Institution: Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada 

Supervisor: Dennis Murray (Lab webpage:

The Integrative Wildlife Conservation (Murray) lab at Trent University, 
Peterborough, Ontario, is offering a project (PhD or MSc) on Broad-banded 
Forestsnail ecology. The only known extant populations of Broad-banded 
Forestsnails in Canada are on Pelee Island and at Point Pelee National 
Park, and baseline biological and ecological data are currently deficient. 
This project will fill major knowledge gaps on the Broad-banded 
Forestsnail, including population sizes, demographics, life-history 
traits, using capture-mark-recapture methods across annual surveys. The 
project will also characterize habitat requirements, model habitat 
availability across southern Ontario, assess the threats posed by 
predation, and perform a comprehensive population viability analysis to 
predict the likelihood of species persistence in Ontario. Students will 
have the opportunity to develop specific research questions within the 
scope of the larger project.

The funding package includes a competitive stipend, foreign tuition waiver 
(if the student is not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident), as well 
coverage of all research expenses. Successful PhD candidates will have an 
MSc in Ecology, Conservation Biology, or a related field, and demonstrated 
evidence of peer-reviewed publications. All applicants (MSc or PhD) must 
have strong field skills and/or modelling experience, and an interest in 
working collaboratively as part of a larger group. The student will join 
the Integrative Wildlife Conservation laboratory at Trent University 
( and be part of an interdisciplinary team addressing 
innovative solutions to environmental change (

To apply, please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, unofficial 
academic transcript, and contact information for 3 references to: Dennis 
Murray ( Application deadline is Feb 16th, but 
review of applications will begin immediately and continue until suitable 
candidates are found. Applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early.

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