Agency: California State University, Fullerton
Location: Boyd Deep Canyon Desert Reserve, Indian Wells CA
Job Category: Temporary/Seasonal Positions
Start Date: March 20th, 2016
Last Date to apply: February  20th, 2016

Description: Seeking 1 or 2 field technicians who will assist with a Master’s 
project comparing 
seasonal thermoregulatory activity and habitat use of male and female common 
(Sauromalus ater) in the Mojave Desert (near Palm Springs). Technicians will 
assist in catching the 
lizards, fitting them with temperature data loggers and radio trackers, 
tracking them using radio 
telemetry, conducting doubly labeled water studies of metabolism and water 
turnover, and 
conducting daily observations of lizard behaviors. 

The tentative start date is March 20th 2016.  Field season is expected to last 
at least through July 
15th, 2016, and may extend to the end of July.

Work may include long hours on some days, and may be up to six days a week. 
Housing will be 
provided at the Boyd Deep Canyon Reserve (approximately 15 minutes drive from 
Palm Springs) and 
there will be a stipend of around $300-350 per week. Travel expenses to and 
from the Reserve not 

Technicians must:
•       Have experience conducting biological field research.
•       Have the ability to work long hours in a hot, rocky desert environment.
•       Have a valid Drivers license
•       Be flexible with hours and be available to work throughout the entire 
field season.
•       Have an interest in lizard ecology.
•       Live & work in close quarters with others.

Preference will be given to applicants with experience:
•       Using radio-telemetry 
•       Handling lizards

To apply, please provide a cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers, 
and email addresses 
of 3 professional references to Emily Sanchez (

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