The UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education offers post-graduate education
and PhD research programmes in Delft, The Netherlands, and carries out
research and capacity building projects all over the world. The mission of
UNESCO-IHE is to contribute to the education and training of professionals
and to build the capacity of sector organisations, knowledge centres and
other institutions active in the fields of water, the environment and
infrastructure in developing countries and countries in transition.

UNESCO-IHE has a permanent staff of 170, of which 90 are academic staff,
while about 250 guest-lecturers from academia and industry contribute to the
educational programme. Each year 750 participants (incl. about 175-200 new
MSc students per year) from all over the world attend the various MSc
programmes and short courses at UNESCO-IHE.

The functions of the Institute include serving as an international
standard-setting body for postgraduate water education programmes and
continuing professional training, building human and institutional
capacities through education, training and research, setting up and managing
networks of educational and water sector institutions and organisations
worldwide, functioning as a ‘policy forum’ for UNESCO member states and
other stakeholders, and providing advice on water education to partner
organisations and other members of the UN water family.

The Department of Environmental Resources provides post-graduate education
and training to professionals in the fields of environmental science,
technology, planning and management, and carries out research and capacity
development projects in these areas. The department has two scientific core
groups: Freshwater Ecosystems and Pollution Prevention and Control. Each
scientific core is headed by a full professor who takes the academic
leadership of the core. More information is available at the Environmental
Resources Department Website (

In partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), UNESCO-IHE has
established the WWF Chair in the Wise Use of Freshwater Ecosystems to
advance research and training on solutions for the interconnected issues of
water management, sustainable development, poverty reduction, environmental
flows and ecosystem and biodiversity conservation.

The Department of Environmental Resources is looking for candidates for the:
Professor of Aquatic Ecosystems m/f (1.0 FTE)

The professor is to assume leadership of the Freshwater Ecosystems core. The
central philosophy of the core can be summed up in the term “Environmental
integrity”, which links ecological understanding of environmental systems
and values of nature with the effects of human interventions and their
consequences for society.

The professor is expected to have his/her main expertise in the field of
(applied) aquatic ecology within the context of river basin management and
society. He/she should be able to make the research output of the core
instrumental to the sustainable management of aquatic systems. In keeping
with the main mission of UNESCO-IHE, the core concentrates on research,
education and projects in developing countries and countries in transition.
This requires a clear vision on how to combine high scientific and academic
standards with a development mission and active participation in global
networks for acquisition of research, education and capacity building projects.

The candidate will:
•       provide vision and strategic leadership of the Freshwater Ecosystems 
•       publish scientific research results in fundamental and applied journals;
•       contribute to the translation of research findings to induce policy 
•       supervise PhD and MSc research;
•       teach in the MSc programmes, and in relevant short courses offered 
the institute and abroad;
•       develop proposals and acquire funding for research, education and 
building activities;
•       foster cooperation between different departments and cores within 
•       develop and establish close links with other institutions, universities
and organisations working in the specified fields both worldwide and in the
•       foster the partnership with WWF by developing joint activities and
communications (e.g. policy briefs) with a focus on WWF's priority river
basin programmes; and
•       serve on the UNESCO-IHE Academic Board and other committees overseeing 
academic mission of the institute.

The successful candidate is expected to have:
•       a PhD degree in (applied) aquatic ecology or in a related field;
•       extensive experience in university teaching and curriculum development 
postgraduate level;
•       a strong record of externally funded research, peer-reviewed 
and presentations at scientific conferences;
•       proven interest in interdisciplinary research and education;
•       experience in the guidance of MSc and PhD-level research;
•       experience in research, teaching and/or capacity development in 
countries/countries in transition;
•       a well-established international network within the environmental 
including academia, NGOs and donor communities;
•       proven competency in project acquisition;
•       proven competency in team management;
•       the ambition to build a strong research group within an international
development context;
•       good communication and organisational skills and a pragmatic attitude;
•       affinity to working in a multidisciplinary and multicultural 
•       excellent command of the English language and preferably one additional
international language such as French or Spanish; and
•       the willingness to frequently travel and work abroad for short and 
term assignments.

It is the intention that the successful candidate for the position at
UNESCO-IHE will also acquire the position of Extraordinary Professor at
Wageningen University.

Conditions of employment
This position is, in principle, a permanent one, however, according to our
Personnel Manual, the first contract is temporary, and only after this
period a permanent contract can be offered. The position is based in Delft,
The Netherlands. A competitive salary is offered depending on qualifications
and experience in accordance with the conditions of employment for Dutch
Universities. The appointment implies entry into the Netherlands' Civil
Service Pension Fund (ABP).

Information and application
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained after August 2 from
Dr. Erik de Ruyter van Steveninck, Head of the Environmental Resources
Department (+31-15-2151777 or
Candidates are asked to submit a curriculum vitae detailing their
qualifications and experience, the names and addresses of two references,
and a vision statement for leading the Freshwater Ecosystems core at
UNESCO-IHE, attn. Personnel and Organisation Department
(, PO Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, The Netherlands,
referencing vacancy-number 10-350-01. The deadline for applications is 15
September 2010 (closing date).

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