North Temperate Lakes LTER post-doctoral opportunity at Trout Lake Station

The North Temperate Lakes Long Term Ecological Research (NTL-LTER) program at 
University of Wisconsin’s Center for Limnology seeks a post-doctoral research 
associate based at the Center’s Trout Lake Station in Boulder Junction, WI.  
Research interests are open to all aspects of limnology, with preference to 
areas that complement ongoing NTL-LTER research and take advantage of the Trout 
Lake Station setting and facilities.  For more information about NTL-LTER, 
Trout Lake Station, and the Center for Limnology, please see: and  Responsibilities 
include: establishment of a productive research presence and interaction with 
other LTER researchers; regular publication in the peer-reviewed scientific 
literature; participation in LTER field sampling, data processing, and 
outreach; assisting and advising LTER researchers using the Trout Lake Station; 
preparation of annual NTL reports; representing the NTL group at LTER network 
meetings; and general assistance with day-to-day operations at the Station.  

Qualifications: Ph.D. in aquatic sciences or related fields prior to 
appointment and experience with field work in aquatic environments.  
Experience/interest in use of large data sets is also desirable.  This is 
envisioned as a two-year position, and salary includes standard benefits of the 
University of Wisconsin  Madison.  Review of applicants will begin 15 December 
and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.  The position could 
begin as soon as May 2008.

Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names of 3 references 
(with telephone numbers and email addresses) to:

Denise Karns
Center for Limnology
680 North Park Street
University of Wisconsin
Madison, WI  53706

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