Dear list,

please find below an offer for a post-doc position within the French
Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea. The person to
contact for that position is Claire Macher (

Best regards,

Lionel Pawlowski

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Post-doctoral position at IFREMER, France, Department of Marine
Economics, MSY, MEY costs in french fisheries
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 09:49:00 +0200
De: Claire MACHER <>

Attached is a proposal for a Post-doctoral position at
Ifremer (French Research Institute for the Exploitation of the Sea),
France, Department of Marine Economics, UMR AMURE.

Academic training and specific skills:
- PhD in Economics with speciality in Marine resource economics
Fisheries scientists with background in fleet based approach and
interest in bio-economic modelling are also invited to apply.

The research will consist in assessing the social cost (or rent
dissipation) resulting from overcapacities and overexploitation
occurring in French fisheries.  Costs of restoration measures that aim
at reaching Maximum Sustainable Yields (MSY) for exploited stocks or
maximum economic yield (MEY) in fisheries under several assumptions will
be assessed. The work will focus on the case of the mixed fisheries in
the bay of Biscay and will be based on bio-economic modelling of these

Please forward this announcement to any institutions or individuals you
think might be interested, and feel free to contact us if you require
any additional information.

For more practical information, visit the following link:

Best regards,

IFREMER Centre de Brest
Département d'Economie Maritime
Tel 00 33 (0)2 98 22 44 80
Fax 00 33 (0)2 98 22 47 76

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