Title:  Post-Doc in River Invasion Ecology


Salary: $40,000/yr plus fringes (negotiable)


Closing: 2/29 or until filled


Responsibilities:  The Department of Zoology and Fisheries and Illinois
Aquaculture Center at Southern Illinois University Carbondale is seeking a
Post-doctoral Fellow to assist with ongoing research aimed at evaluating the
efficacy of controlling Asian carp within the Illinois River and determining
the effects on Asian carp demographics and native fishes.  The incumbent
will organize and facilitate standardized sampling and hydroacoustic surveys
to determine biomass and size distribution of Asian carp and native fishes,
determine factors affecting movement of Asian carp with telemetry, work
closely with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to evaluate the
success of contracted commercial harvest, and work closely with processing
plant operators to monitor commercial harvest.  The incumbent will also have
the option to teach undergraduate and/or graduate-level courses and mentor
graduate students.


Qualifications: PhD in Fish Ecology or a related field, strong quantitative
skills, willingness to participate in field work.


Contact: Please submit a cover letter, CV, copies of transcripts, and names
and contact information for three references to Jim Garvey.


Contact e-mail: jgar...@siu.edu


James E. Garvey

Director, Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center

Professor, Department of Zoology

1125 Lincoln Drive

173 Life Sciences II

Southern Illinois University

Carbondale, IL 62901-6511

618-453-5611 (direct)

or 618-536-7761 (main office)




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