Applications are being accepted for a postdoctoral research position to 
work on an NSF-Funded project in K-12 biology education research under 
the direction of Drs. Peter White and Louise Mead at Michigan State 
University. This is intended to be a four-year position, pending 
successful annual performance reviews.
The recent synthesis of science education research embodied by the 
National Research Council’s Framework for K-12 Science Education and the 
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) provides an inspiring vision 
for the high standards we know to be important for the future success of 
both our students and our nation. However, few or no curricula exist in 
the field of biology that have taken on the challenge of integrating 
these three dimensions of science: the core ideas of biology, the 
science and engineering practices, and the crosscutting concepts-to 
support all students in building toward sophisticated understandings of 
biological phenomena. In this project, we intend to develop and research 
learning materials with a focus on two related areas of life science: 
the molecular basis for genetics and the process of evolution by natural 
selection. These two areas are documented as being difficult to teach 
and learn. They are also interlinked, spanning multiple biological 
scales, yet have historically been taught separately. Recent development 
in integrative case curriculum by the Evo-Ed project ( 
provides the needed content for a connected set of lessons that can be 
used as the basis for generating and researching three-dimensional 
teaching materials aligned with the performance expectations of the 
NGSS. We will examine how, and how far, students can progress when 
learning from coherent sequences of learning materials that employ the 
principles of three-dimensional learning.
Required Qualifications: 
A PhD in one of the following fields is required: biology, biology 
education, or K-12 education (paired with a BSc or an MSc in Biology). 
Candidates must demonstrate a strong knowledge of K-12 biology teaching 
and/or research, and have a working knowledge of the NGSS. Candidates 
must have excellent communication skills, knowledge and use of web-based 
technologies, a working knowledge of multivariate statistics and 
databases, and skills in managing and coordinating a study at a national 
The postdoc will work closely with Drs. White and Mead on the design, 
development and testing of curriculum materials, data collection and 
analysis, and working with teachers. The postdoc will play a significant 
role adapting Evo-Ed’s integrative cases of evolution for a K-12 
setting. This will include the development of learning outcomes and 
activities for middle- and high school classrooms. The postdoctoral 
research associate will be involved in preparing publications arising 
from the research conducted in this project. They will participate in 
manuscript planning, data analysis, drafting manuscript sections, 
submitting to appropriate journals, and responding to manuscript 
reviewer comments.
To apply: 
Submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, and 
complete contact information for three references to Dr. Peter White 
( Review of application materials will begin on Monday 
October 31 and continue until the position is filled.

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