The Forbes Lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Iowa is 
seeking a highly motivated evolutionary ecologist with an interest in 
tropical insect diversity and expertise in population genomics for a 2-3 
year postdoctoral position funded by NSF’s Dimensions of Biodiversity 

Position Summary:
The aim of the project is to examine patterns of present day and 
historical gene flow among species in the tephritid fruit fly genus 
Blepharoneura and the same for the Bellopius parasitoid wasps that 
attack Blepharoneura flies. These flies and wasps are highly host-
specific, incredibly diverse, and many species often overlap in their 
apparent niche space. A major goal is to understand why these insects 
are so diverse. The postdoc will develop and score double-digest RAD 
markers for several existing fly and wasp collections from across 
Central and South America, use those data to model gene flow and 
migration within each fly and wasp species, and collaborate with other 
project participants to test hypotheses regarding species interactions 
and the origin of reproductive isolation in these hyper-diverse insect 
systems. More information about this system can be found in the 
following two publications:

Education required:
•PhD in evolutionary biology or closely related field

Desirable Qualifications:
•Experience developing and working with RAD-based marker system (or 
similar marker system) in non-model organisms
•Strong background in population genetics / genomics
•Interest in diversification, insect evolutionary ecology, insect 
population genomics, or related field
•Interest in working as part of a collaborative research team

Preferred Starting date: September 2016 (negotiable)

Application Deadline: March 15th, 2016 (or until position is filled)

How to apply: send C.V., a letter of inquiry, two representative 
publications (if available), and contact information for three potential 
referees to: Informal inquiries or questions 
about the position may also be sent to the same email address.

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