Postdoc: Mathematical Modeling of Dengue Virus Epidemiology

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: We are searching for a postdoc interested in working on 
two NIH-funded 
projects that will build, test and refine stochastic, spatially explicit, 
simulation models that link 
insect population dynamics and genetics with human disease epidemiology. We are 
developing a 
city-scale model for the transmission of dengue virus, utilizing rich 
entomological, epidemiological 
and human movement data sets from a research collaboration focused in Iquitos, 
Peru. A major 
goal of the work is to predict the impacts of various interventions (such as 
conventional mosquito 
control, vaccines, and evolution-based novel transgenic mosquito management 
methods) on 

The incumbent will lead modeling efforts to further develop and test the 
component of our model and integrate that model with the entomological model. 
We are also 
interested in building simple spatial and non-spatial, deterministic models as 
heuristic tools for 
better understanding basic principles, but we are not looking for applicants 
who are only 
interested in working with simple, generic models.

An important part of these projects involves field experiments and 
epidemiological studies by our 
collaborators in Peru to acquire data that will inform the structure and 
parameterization of the 
models, and a large-scale mosquito control study to provide data against which 
model predictions 
will be tested. The person in this position will have the opportunity to travel 
to Peru to become 
more familiar with the epidemiological and entomological work at the field 

The funding for this postdoctoral position is through two NIH research grants. 
There will also be 
opportunities to work with students and faculty involved in NC State’s Center 
for Genetic 
Engineering and Society ( ) and in the Research 
Training Group on 
Mathematical Biology ( ) which focuses on questions 
relating to 
parameter estimation for biological models. Much of the work is part of a 
collaboration with 
researchers at Emory, UC Davis and Notre Dame
Qualifications: Training in ecological or epidemiological modeling and 
experience with 
development of computer simulation models. Experience in C++ would be highly 
desirable, as 
would be statistical skills.

To apply: email a cover letter and CV to 

For more details on the project see the following publications:

Magori, K., M. Legros, M. Puente, D. A. Focks, T. W. Scott, A. Lloyd, F, Gould. 
2009. Skeeter Buster: 
a stochastic, spatially-explicit modeling tool for studying Aedes aegypti 
population replacement 
and population suppression strategies. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 3(9): e508. 

Xu, C., Legros, M., Gould, F, Lloyd, A. L. 2010.Understanding Uncertainties in 
Predictions of Aedes aegypti Population Dynamics. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 4(9): 

Legros, M., Magori, K., Morrison, A.C., Xu, C., Scott, T.W., Lloyd, A.L., 
Gould, F. 2011. Evaluation of 
location-specific predictions by a detailed simulation model of Aedes aegypti 
populations. PLoS 
ONE 6(7), e22701. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022701

Okamoto KW, Robert MA, Gould F, Lloyd AL (2014) Feasible Introgression of an 
Transgene into an Urban Mosquito Population without Using Gene-Drive. PLoS Negl 
Trop Dis 8(7): 
e2827. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002827

Smith, D.L., et al.  (2014). Recasting the Theory of Mosquito-Borne Pathogen 
Dynamics and Control. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. 108, 185-197. 

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