Postdoc in Plant Transcriptomics and Microbiome Analysis

The Friesen Lab in the Department of Plant Biology at Michigan State University 
is seeking a highly 
motivated individual to contribute to data analysis and manuscript preparation 
for two funded 
projects investigating the transcriptomic connections linking plant-plant 
competition and plant-
microbiome interactions in legumes (collaborative with Sharon Strauss at UC 
Davis) and grasses 
(collaborative with Sarah Evans, Lisa Tiemann, and Jim Cole at MSU). 

Key qualifications include a strong statistical and computational background 
with the ability to ask 
creative questions. Familiarity with Illumina data and bioinformatics is 
desired but not essential. 
Excellent communication and organizational skills are required along with a 
track record of timely 

Funding is initially available for one year with renewal based upon 
performance. The successful 
applicant would be encouraged to develop independent lines of research in 
accordance with an 
individualized mentoring plan. The Friesen lab is located in the Molecular 
Plant Sciences building 
which is designed to foster collaboration.  

Please send a ~1 page statement of interest, CV, and contact info for 3 
references to
I will be attending the ESA meeting in Baltimore next week--drop me a line if 
you'd like to meet in 

Maren L. Friesen
Assistant Professor, Dept. Plant Biology
Michigan State University
612 Wilson Rd, East Lansing, MI USA 48824-6481

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