A postdoctoral research associate position is available in the Wilkinson Lab at 
Iowa State 
University. We are seeking an enthusiastic and creative Ph.D. with expertise in 
with a degree in ecology, biology, environmental science or a related field. 

The successful applicant will collaborate with graduate students, faculty, and 
in the research group to address questions regarding nutrient loading, harmful 
algal blooms, 
and carbon cycling in lakes. The research agenda is flexible, but could include 
analysis of 
water quality trends in lakes and reservoirs, restored lake nutrient cycling 
and food web 
structure, or the prediction and ecological impacts of harmful algal blooms. 
The postdoc 
will also assist with the oversight and data analysis for an intensive water 
monitoring program for Iowa lakes in partnership with the Iowa Department of 
Resources. Ideal candidates should have experience with limnological sampling, 
in situ 
sensors and database management. Strong communication, writing and programming 
skills are 
highly desirable.

Funding is available for one year, with up to two additional years contingent 
satisfactory research progress. Please submit a cover letter, CV, and the names 
and contact 
information of three references as a single PDF via email to Dr. Grace 
(wilki...@iastate.edu). Questions about the position should also be directed to 
Wilkinson. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the 
position is 
filled. The desired start date is February 20th or soon thereafter. 

Iowa State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, 
religion, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, 
information, sex, marital status, disability, or status as a U.S. veteran. 
regarding non-discrimination policies may be directed to Office of Equal 
Opportunity, email 

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