Postdoctoral Fellowship in Forest Ecology with STRI and Nanyang Technological 
University, Singapore
Deadline for submission: 31 December 2015, after which position will remain 
open until filled.
Link to advertisement:
The Asian School of the Environment (ASE) at Nanyang Technological University, 
Singapore, in partnership with the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 
(STRI) invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in forest 
ecology. We encourage applicants from a broad range of disciplines that 
intersect with ecology including evolutionary biology, molecular phylogenetics, 
microbial biology, biogeography, soil science, and plant physiology. Research 
will be based at ASE and will take advantage of one or more of STRI's 
CTFS-ForestGEO research sites in Asia.
To apply, send a single PDF file containing a cover letter with an overview of 
the proposed research, CV, contact information for three references, and a 
realistic research budget, not to exceed $15,000 USD. Applicants should also 
submit two relevant publications or manuscripts. Send materials to Kristin 
Powell, CTFS-ForestGEO Program Manager, at<>. Rolling review of applications will 
begin 1 January 2016, and continue until the position is filled.
Applicants should consult with CTFS-ForestGEO, STRI or ASE scientific staff 
before submitting a final application. The starting date is flexible; earlier 
start dates are preferred.
For further information on the position, contact Stuart J. Davies 
(<>). See the following links for further 
information on the ASE (, STRI 
( and CTFS-ForestGEO (
The annual stipend is $65,000 USD. Awards are based upon merit, without regard 
to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age or condition 
of handicap of the applicant.

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