Postdoctoral position in statistical epidemiology and modelling


A two year full time position is available for a highly motivated post doc to take a central role in statistical epidemiology modelling projects for honeybee parasites and infectious diseases

The postdoc will develop and implement quantitative dynamic epidemiological models to predict the risk of honeybee colony disease and mortality in relation to alternative treatment and management options. The project will evaluate existing veterinary epidemiological models and adapt these to incorporate honeybee-specific parameters. Read more:



Eva Forsgren

Samverkanslektor | Senior Extension Lecturer, apiculture

Samordnare för referenslaboratoriet för bihälsa | Manager for the National Reference Laboratory for bee health

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Institutionen för ekologi
| Department of Ecology
Postadress: Box 7044, 750 07 Uppsala
| Postal address: P.O. Box 7044, SE-750 07 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Besöks- och leveransadress: Ulls väg 16, 756 51 Uppsala
| Visiting and Delivery address: Ulls väg 16, SE-756 51 Uppsala, SWEDEN
Telefon: 018-67 20 83
|Phone: +46 18 67 20 83


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