We are seeking postdoctoral fellow to study the spatial ecology and 
conservation of natural 
and restored oyster reefs in the Virginia Coast Reserve. The fellow will join a 
team of researchers at The Nature Conservancy (Cristina Carollo) and the 
University of 
Virginia / Virginia Coast Reserve Long Term Ecological Research project (Max 
Please see fellowship details below and at 
https://naturenetsciencefellows.org/, and project 
details at https://tnc.app.box.com/s/bayvrqjasu7t2bq92eh5ttk0yhut66qw. 

The application deadline is September 7, 2018. 


The Nature Conservancy is pleased to solicit applications for the NatureNet 
Fellowship a trans-disciplinary postdoctoral fellowship and research grant 
program. The 
NatureNet Science Fellows program bridges academic excellence and conservation 
practice to create a new generation of climate change leaders who combine the 
rigor of 
academic science with real-world application. The outstanding early-career 
scientists in 
this 2-year postdoctoral program differ from other postdocs in two major ways:
1. They have prioritized improving and expanding their research skills— 
directing their 
efforts towards problems at the interface of climate, conservation, business, 
and people; AND
2. They are committed to their professional development—  participating and 
trainings designed to improve skills in science communication, working-group 
and leadership.
Recognizing that The Nature Conservancy’s conservation mission is best advanced 
by the 
contributions of individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and cultures—  
encourages applicants from all cultures, races, colors, religions, sexes, 
national or regional 
origins, ages, disability status, sexual orientations, gender identities, 
military or veteran 
status or other status protected by law.

The call for applications features two post-doctoral opportunities. Read the 
Eligibility and 
Award Terms carefully to determine the best fit for your research program. For 
programs, applicants should identify a project and mentors from the available 


Applicants will work with a Nature Conservancy mentor and a senior scholar (or 
from our 2019 Partner Universities- Brown University; Columbia University; 
University; Science for Nature and People Partnership, University of California 
– Los 
Angeles; University of Minnesota; University of Virginia; or the University of 
Queensland to 
develop a research program. The Conservancy expects post-doctoral appointments 
to start 
between May and September. Each Fellow will receive a non-negotiable annual 
salary of 
$50,000 plus benefits, with the postdoctoral position expected to run for two 
years. In addition to the stipend, each Fellow receives an annual travel budget 
approximately $5,000 and an annual research fund of approximately $20,000. 
renewal of the fellowship is contingent upon satisfactory progress and 
contribution to the 
collective program.


Applicants and a university mentor from their host institution collaborate with 
a Nature 
Conservancy mentor to develop a research application. Each grantee will receive 
a research 
stipend of $20,000, with the grant period expected to run for two consecutive 
Second-year renewal of the grant is contingent upon satisfactory progress and 
to the collective program. The Conservancy will distribute grant funds between 
May and 
September. Funds are awarded directly to the grantee's institution and may be 
used by the 
grantee for such purposes as equipment, technical assistance, professional 
travel, trainee 
support, or any other activity directly related to the grantees's research. 
Salary support is 
limited to a maximum of three months of the established academic salary (not 

For more information on the NatureNet Science Fellowship and to apply please 


Max Castorani | Assistant Professor | Dept. of Environmental Sciences | 
University of 
Virginia | castor...@virginia.edu | Tel: 434-243-4949 | Office: 352 Clark Hall 

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