The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)

Annapolis, Maryland, USA

SESYNC invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships that
begin August 2014. Fellows will undertake socio-environmental or
cyberinfrastructure synthesis projects that will be co-developed with a
SESYNC Research Collaborator, who will also serve as a postdoctoral mentor
during the fellowship.

Synthesis is a research approach that accelerates knowledge production by
distilling or integrating existing data, ideas, theories, and methods to
draw more reliable or generalizable conclusions and to reveal novel areas
of study. Synthesis often involves merging large and/or heterogeneous data
sets from multiple sources, researchers, or fields of inquiry, as well as
critical analysis in evaluating arguments and interpreting evidence.

We seek a diverse group of Postdoctoral Fellows in the social, natural, and
computational sciences. Areas of previous research should be relevant to
socio-environmental synthesis or synthesis education, including (but not
limited to) anthropology, computer science, ecology, education, economics,
geography, history, mathematics, political science, psychology, public
policy, planning, sociology, statistics, etc.


Interested fellowship applicants must first submit a pre-screening
application, accepted on a rolling basis. Successfully pre-screened
applicants will receive the list of SESYNC Research Collaborators;
fellowship applicants should initiate contact with potential Collaborators
with whom they might be interested in co-developing a synthesis research

Prospective Fellows are also invited to encourage potential mentors of
their choice to apply to be a SESYNC Research Collaborator. The Research
Collaborator may not be the prospective Fellow's PhD advisor or mentor.
Applications for Research Collaborators are accepted on a rolling basis.


Fellowship appointments will be through the University of Maryland, and
Fellows must be based at our facilities in Annapolis, Maryland. Depending
on their research interests, Fellows may choose to spend part of their time
at the offices of our partner organization, Resources for the Future,
located in Washington, D.C. The fellowship provides an annual stipend, full
University of Maryland employee benefits, and a small annual travel
allowance to attend meetings or to meet with collaborators.

Fellowships are awarded for a maximum of two years and include structured
mentoring programs, facilitated access to policy makers, and opportunities
to participate in ongoing Center activities. In addition to mentoring
support from their SESYNC Research Collaborator, Fellows will also receive
professional mentoring from SESYNC leadership members, and will have access
to a wide range of professional development opportunities.


Visit for complete details.
Deadline: April 15, 2014

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