A post-doctoral position is available to study wildlife population genomics
and disease ecology at the University of Wyoming (UW) in Laramie.  The
position will be based within the Ernest Laboratory in the Department of
Veterinary Sciences which has affiliations with the UW Program in Ecology
and the University of California, Davis Wildlife Health Center.  Research
will use genomic and genetic DNA analysis to examine population health and
ecology of wildlife species in the Rocky Mountain West and California.
Species of focus will involve one or more of large mammals (such as mountain
lion, pronghorn antelope, bighorn sheep, and others) and birds (hummingbirds
and other groups).

(For graduate student position in our lab see October 14, 2014 posting # 054527)

The Ernest Wildlife Genomics and Disease Ecology Laboratory is a new
exciting lab at UW, and the postdoc will gain experience and knowledge in
setting up a vibrant dynamic wildlife ecology and genomic research lab. 
There will be opportunities to gain experience in teaching and mentoring
undergraduate and graduate students.  Quality mentorship of trainees of all
educational levels, including this postdoctoral position, is a priority for
the laboratory director.

Qualifications: The successful candidate will have: 
1) a Ph.D. within the past five years in genomics (of any organism type
including humans, animals, plants or microbes), ecology, epidemiology,
bioinformatics, animal biology, or related field; 
2) knowledge, skills, and abilities in the following areas: laboratory and
computational analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) data (Illumina or
similar), NGS library construction techniques and equipment (such as
sonicator, DNA fragment analyzer, etc.), DNA extraction, gel
electrophoresis, and PCR;
3) quantitative skills as demonstrated through documented knowledge, skills,
and abilities with statistics and software that are used in next generation
sequencing data;
4) demonstrated track record of collegiality, interpersonal skills,
communication, creative leadership and problem-solving abilities that
promote a positive team work atmosphere. Documented ability to work both
independently and in teams, and ability to respond and adjust to difficult
situations. Demonstrated ability to work with and communicate with wide
diversity of stakeholders, staff, students, field biologists, and members of
the public; 
5) documented evidence of conference research presentations and peer-review
science publication in genomics or genetics; 
6) ability to conduct occasional wildlife field work that may involve harsh
environmental conditions (cold, hot, windy, steep, rocky, etc.), sampling
wildlife (blood, tissues, feces, etc.), and hiking with heavy gear.
7) ability to travel; a valid driver’s license
Additional preferred skills, knowledge, and abilities include any of the
1.a programming language used in genomic data analysis;
2.population genetics
3.program R;
4.Bayesian statistics;
5.      laboratory and analysis of traditional Sanger DNA sequence, 
DNA, microsatellite DNA, and/or immunogenetics;
6.      documented excellent communication and public speaking abilities and
abilities to translate complex genomic concepts to every day understandable
7.      keen interests in research in population genomics and ecology of 
and their pathogens; 
8.real time PCR;

The position is primarily laboratory based, however the position may involve
occasional field work. In addition to the research, the postdoctoral
researcher will have duties involving laboratory and equipment set up (this
is a new lab), lab management tasks, and assisting in supervision and
mentoring of a small number of students.  

University of Wyoming hosts excellent wildlife and ecology science.  Laramie
offers easy access to the Rocky Mountains and outdoor activities including
skiing and hiking. The University of Wyoming is an Equal Employment
Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.  All qualified applicants will
receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, disability or protected veteran status or
any other characteristic protected by law and University policy.  Please see
We conduct background investigations for all final candidates being
considered for employment.  Offers of employment are contingent upon the
completion of the background check. 

To apply for this position please submit an electronic application via email
in PDF format to hern...@uwyo.edu including a cover letter stating research
interests, C.V.,  PDFs of pertinent publications, and contact information
(name, position, email, phone, institutional affiliation, and research area)
for at least three references to Dr. Holly Ernest, Professor and Wyoming
Excellence Chair in Disease Ecology, Department of Veterinary Sciences, 1174
Snowy Range Road, Laramie, WY 82070.  Applications will be reviewed
immediately and the position will remain open until filled.

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