The Meek Lab at Michigan State University is looking for a highly motivated 
postdoctoral scholar to study population and conservation genomics in fish and 
other species. The lab uses field studies and next-generation sequencing to 
address fundamental ecological questions that are directly relevant to the 
conservation and management of threatened species. We study biodiversity at the 
level of the genome, transcriptome, and epigenome. Some major questions being 
addressed in the lab are:

        1.     What is the genomic basis for thermal tolerance and local 
adaptation? We aim to understand if there are differences in gene expression 
patterns among fish from populations with different thermal histories, and if 
so, what are the regions of the genome associated with differences in  
phenotypic response to thermal stress. The information gained from this study 
will be invaluable for understanding the molecular basis for local adaptation 
and its relation to climate change resiliency planning, and in designing 
management actions that sustain imperiled species into the future.

        2.     How do human activities affect genetic diversity and local 
adaptation? We are interested in understanding how anthropogenic forces, such 
as hatchery propagation, fishery stocking, and habitat alteration, are 
influencing diversity patterns and fitness in the wild. This understanding will 
allow us to better design propagation techniques and target habitat restoration 
activities to protect the genetic diversity needed for populations to persist 
into the future.

        3.     What controls complex life history patterns? Salmonids are an 
excellent model for looking at the molecular control of life history, due to 
their variation in migration timing and propensity to migrate. We are 
integrating across genetic, transcriptomic, and epigenetic pathways in 
steelhead and Chinook salmon to understand the molecular basis for this life 
history diversity.

Please look at our website ( to get a more complete picture of the 
work we do. The post-doc will have the opportunity to work on one or several of 
the ongoing projects in the lab, based on interest and fit. There is also 
potential for developing new projects, based on the candidate’s interests. We 
are a very interactive lab and are looking for an excellent scientist, who 
cares about conservation, and is a good collaborator. The Meek lab strives to 
be a safe space and support diversity in STEM.

The initial hire is for one year with an additional year of funding contingent 
upon satisfactory progress. The position will be based in the Department of 
Integrative Biology at Michigan State University. Start date is negotiable and 
position is open until filled.  


Applicants should have a PhD in ecology, evolution, genetics, bioinformatics, 
or related fields. We are looking for a creative and talented scientist with a 
good publication record and excellent organizational and communication skills. 
We are especially interested in candidates with a strong computational 
background and previous experience with next-generation sequencing data 
analysis. Experience working in the Unix environment is essential and 
familiarity with one or several programming languages is highly desirable.

*How to apply*

Interested candidates should apply through the MSU Applicant Page at Please 
feel free to email ( before applying to ask questions, putting 
“Postdoctoral opportunity” in the subject line. Required application material:

1) Brief cover letter describing research interests and motivation

2) CV

3) Names and email addresses for 3 references

4) 2-3 published papers or manuscripts in preparation


Mariah Meek, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Integrative Biology
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 

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