Effective conservation of pollination services is increasingly urgent work that must occur at both national and regional levels. We have an exceptional opportunity for a postdoctoral scholar to investigate broad-scale influences on pollinator abundance and distribution. The project, based in the lab of Dr. Paul Galpern at the University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada (http://ecologics.ucalgary.ca), will build on recent work that demonstrated impacts to bumble bees occurring in parallel across two continents (Kerr, Pindar, Galpern, et al., 2015; Science 349:177-180).

Research at these large spatial scales is a data intensive endeavour. We seek a candidate capable of applying their computational and analytics skills to ecological, remote sensing, and other large data sets. The successful candidate will bring strong programming skills (e.g. in R), and experience using GIS and a variety of statistical techniques. Qualified candidates with research backgrounds in ecology, geography or in data science as applied to any discipline are welcome to apply. Collegiality and strong written and oral communication skills are essential.

Apply to PAUL GALPERN (pgalp...@ucalgary.ca). Send a cover letter expressing: (1) qualifications; (2) preparedness to begin this appointment as soon as possible but no later than January 18th, 2016; (3) a thorough CV; and, (4) contact information for three academic references. Applicants with backgrounds outside ecology should also demonstrate their preparedness to contribute to ecological research. The search will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The stipend for this two year position ($50,000 CAD/yr + benefits) is to be supported by the University of Calgary’s prestigious Eyes High Postdoctoral Funding (http://ucalgary.ca/research/postdoc). Candidates must commence the appointment within five years of being awarded their PhD degree. Applications from both international candidates and Canadian citizens are eligible.

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