Postdoctoral research associate: mammalian diversity and habitat use in CNH system

Two year postdoc position available in characterizing mammalian diversity distribution and habitat use in a coupled human natural system. The postdoctoral candidate will join an international interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research team studying "Sustainability of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural and Human Systems", funded by NSF's Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program (PI: Dr. Li An; <;.z_pims_id=13681>;.z_pims_id=13681). For more information, visit our project website at <>

We are seeking a highly qualified and experienced candidate to join our research team and lead efforts to measure wildlife occupancy as a function of large-scale and local landscape metrics and human activity in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China. Candidates must demonstrate scholarship, leadership and have at least 5 years of experience conducting ecological research in China. Candidates with knowledge of the Chinese language and culture are preferred.

Applicants should have strong interest or background in ecology as well as conservation and GIScience (remote sensing and GIS in particular). Strong quantitative skills (e.g., occupancy and other quantitative modeling, statistics), excellent interpersonal skills and writing capacity, and willingness to work in a range of different international and interdisciplinary contexts (e.g., work on variable terrain in rural areas, or with people of varying background or culture) are desirable. Salary and benefits are competitive. The ideal starting date will be Spring 2015. Candidates should direct questions to Dr. Rebecca Lewison (<> and Dr. Li An (<>

Rebecca Lewison, PhD
Associate Professor, Biology
Director, Institute for Ecological Monitoring & Management
San Diego State University
(619) 594 8287

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