Dr Daniel Reuman is recruiting into his lab in the University of Kansas
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB). At least 3 years of
funding are available to carry out modelling pertaining to spatial
population dynamics and analysis of large spatial population data sets. The
postdoc will join an interdisciplinary team consisting of Reuman, three
postdocs and one student currently in the Reuman lab, collaborators in EEB
and in the Math Department at KU, and collaborators at several institutions
in the USA and UK. Funding is from the NSF Mathematical Biology program and
the James S McDonnell Foundation.  

In many hierarchical dynamical systems, “synchrony” between multiple
fluctuating variables, i.e. correlations or other similarities in
fluctuations between variables through time, is more important than the
individual variables themselves. For instance, a neuron may fire only when
its input neurons fire synchronously. Or the electrical grid may crash only
when demands of multiple users become synchronized, producing total-usage
spikes. Ecosystems can show this type of dependency on synchrony. Ecosystems
include multiple trophic levels, with population signals from lower levels
often being spatially aggregated to affect higher levels. For instance, a
predator is only harmed if its prey are scarce over its whole hunting area.
For systems of this type, it is primarily the synchronous components of
signals that matter in the average signal that affects the next level –
non-synchronous components tend to cancel in the spatial average. Thus
synchrony is very important to ecosystems. Synchrony is found in organisms
as diverse as mammals and protists, at distances up to thousands of
kilometers. Synchrony relates to large-scale outbreaks and shortages and is
important in conservation. 
In spite of the importance of synchrony in ecology, possible impacts of
climate change on synchrony are little studied. Synchrony can also be
transmitted through trophic interactions - e.g., a synchronized predator can
induce synchrony in its prey. But the extent to which climate-induced
changes in synchrony may cascade through species interaction networks via
this mechanism, or influence spatial or other branches of ecology, is
unknown. The postdoc will perform statistical and/or mathematical population
modelling to address these questions, and will investigate connections to
extinction risk models and to Taylor’s law, a commonly applied empirical
regularity in spatial ecology. The postdoc will be encouraged to develop
his/her own projects within the goals of the funding grants.

We seek individuals from biological or physical-science backgrounds with
skills and demonstrable interests in modelling and related areas. Experience
with stochastic process modelling and Fourier or wavelet approaches is a
plus. Experience with population models is a plus, as are computational
skills, particularly if applied in a statistical or modelling context. A PhD
or ABD in a related field is required. Applicants from underrepresented
groups are encouraged. 

The University of Kansas (KU) is a major research university with special
strength in ecology and evolutionary biology. The EEB department has >40
permanent faculty working in a wide variety of theoretical and empirical
areas, with National Research Council and Chronicle of Higher Education
rankings in the top 10 in the USA. KU is located in Lawrence, Kansas, about
30 miles from Kansas City. Lawrence is a progressive and cosmopolitan
university town with vibrant art, music, and sports scenes that has been
ranked among the top ten college towns in the country for liveability.

See http://www.reumanlab.res.ku.edu/ for further information about the
Reuman lab and links to past publications. Email reu...@ku.edu or call 785
864 1542 with questions. A start date during or before autumn 2017 is
preferred. To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter of up to two pages,
the names and contact information of two references, and one publication to
reu...@ku.edu. Review of applications has begun. Position open until filled. 

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