3 competitive opportunities are available to work with Phil Stephens
(http://community.dur.ac.uk/philip.stephens/welcome.htm) at Durham
University, UK (https://www.dur.ac.uk/).

1. Opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher with an excellent CV to compete
for a Durham University Junior Research Fellowship
(https://www.dur.ac.uk/ias/diferens/junior/). A successful candidate would
have interests in camera trapping, citizen science and mammalian population
ecology. S/he should have no more than 5 years postdoctoral experience, and
should not have spent more than 12 months in the UK in the 3 years prior to
1st July 2016. S/he should show evidence of high quality publications in
internationally competitive journals. Successful candidates usually have
5-10 good publications, with most as first or corresponding author. In the
first instance, please contact philip.steph...@durham.ac.uk, sending a copy
of your CV. The final deadline for completed applications is 04/12/15.

2. Opportunity to study for a PhD on "The ecology of carnivore movement",
with Phil Stephens, Matt Hayward
(http://www.bangor.ac.uk/senrgy/staff/mhayward.php.en) and Michael Somers
(http://www.michaelsomers.co.za/). This is open to students worldwide and is
in competition for funding via a Durham Doctoral Scholarship. Successful
candidates usually have a high quality first degree, a masters, and evidence
of publication in internationally-competitive journals. The deadline for
applications is 12th January 2016. More details available here:

3. Opportunity to study for a PhD on "Human disturbance and habitat use by
red deer", with Phil Stephens, Nils Bunnefeld
(http://rms.stir.ac.uk/converis-stirling/person/18125) and Justin Irvine
(http://www.hutton.ac.uk/staff/justin-irvine). This is open only to students
eligible for UK research council funding (see NERC’s current studentship
handbook) and is in competition for funding via a NERC DTP Scholarship.
Successful candidates usually have a high quality first degree and may also
hold a masters degree. Evidence of publication in
internationally-competitive journals is desirable. The deadline for receipt
of all application materials is 22nd January 2016. More details available
here: http://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=69291&LID=431

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