2009 SUMMER PREDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM at Texas State University-San Marcos. The Graduate College of Texas State University-San Marcos is accepting applications for the 2009 Summer Predoctoral Program. This program brings doctoral candidates from institutions around the US that have completed their course work and are in the process of writing their dissertations to spend June and July on the Texas State campus working with faculty and students in their field. Fellows are supported by a stipend of $11,000 and may also be considered as potential candidates for future faculty positions as appropriate. This ECOLOG announcement seeks to bring this diversity-building program to the attention of potential fellows to be hosted by members of the Dept. of Biology's graduate programs in Population and Conservation Biology, Aquatic Resources, or Wildlife Ecology who are keenly interested in promoting and fostering links with aspiring colleagues. The complete announcement and application may be viewed at <http://www.gradcollege.txstate.edu/Predoc_Fellow.html>
James R. Ott
Assoc. Professor
Dept. of Biology
Texas State University
(Formerly SWT)
San Marcos, TX 78666
Office: 512-245-2321
email: jim...@txstate.edu

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