HHMI’s BioInteractive (http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive) and the
Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project
invite applications for a Faculty Mentoring Network (FMN) focused on
adapting quantitative BioInteractive modules for undergraduate introductory
biology courses. BioInteractive has a growing collection of quantitative and
data based modules on statistics, graphing, and data manipulation, however
these were initially designed for high school and AP biology. Participants
in this FMN will work together and with the HHMI BioInteractive staff to
adapt and implement these modules in their own introductory biology courses. 

The Faculty Mentoring Network combines a face to face workshop experience
with a mentored, long term community interaction on the QUBES site. The
group will begin working at the National Academies Special Topics Summer
Institute on Quantitative Biology (http://qubeshub.org/groups/summer2016),
June 19-24 2016. After the meeting participants will continue to work online
with a group of peers and mentors to adapt and implement quantitative
modules in their courses during the Fall 2016 semester. This work will take
advantage of the QUBESHub infrastructure and include short online meetings
every other week. Upon completion of the Faculty Mentoring Network
participants will post their materials and teaching guidelines on the
BioInteractive partner page on QUBES. 

Applicants must be teaching introductory biology or an equivalent course in
Fall 2016, and be able to attend the Quantitative Biology Summer Institute
June 19-24. For more information, visit:
https://qubeshub.org/groups/hhmibiointeractivefmn . Questions? Contact
Melissa Csikari (csika...@hhmi.org) or Kristin Jenkins

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