​** ​
Scroll down to the bottom of the email to see who is currently serving on
PARC's Joint National Steering Committee.

PARC is currently accepting nominations to fill the Co-chair position of
our Joint National Steering Committee (JNSC).
The JNSC is the governing body of PARC.

Length of term: 2 years, the 1st as Junior Co-chair and the 2nd as Senior

Roles and responsibilities:

​(1) ​
Schedule, coordinate, and preside over JNSC conference calls and meetings.
Monthly conference calls have a standing time and day.
hey occur the first Monday of every month from 12:30-2 pm ET. We change
call times as needed when established times begin to conflict with JNSC
member schedules.

​(2) ​
Assist National Coordinators and other JNSC Co-chair in determining PARC

​(3) ​
Attend and assist with developing priorities for planning calls, which
occur 1 hr/wk, currently on Wednesdays at 2 pm ET. We do not have planning
calls on weeks that we have JNSC calls.

​(4) ​
Attend the annual in-person meeting at the
American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference: Travel expenses may be
covered by the Co-chair's agency or organization, or by PARC, if needed.
Because PARC has extremely limited funding, it's always appreciated if
other funding mechanisms can be secured. In 2018, the in-person meeting
will be in Norfolk, VA on March 26-27.


Anyone running for election to the position of National Co-chair must have
demonstrated leadership skills, including,
but not limited to
, experience as a/an:

​(1) ​
Regional Working Group Co-chair; or

​(2) ​
Member of the JNSC; or

​(3) ​
Active PARC member at the regional level; or

​(4) ​
Board member of a non-profit organization and with expertise in the field
of conservation


Individuals may self-nominate or nominate others for this JNSC membership
position, but when nominating someone other than yourself, please be sure
that you have the nominee's permission to do so. Please submit any
nominations to and include:

​(1) ​

​(2) ​
Contact info (email and phone)

​(3) ​
Brief statement of why your are interested in the position (if
self-nominating) or why you think this person would be a strong candidate
(if nominating someone else)

​(4) ​
Short bio of the nominee (200 words or less)

Feel free to email questions or concerns to
We can also get you connected with the current Senior Co-chair of JNSC, who
has held this position for two consecutive terms, if you'd like.

DEADLINE: 5 pm ET; Wednesday, November 29, 2017


We are currently accepting nominations to fill three voting member seats on
our Joint National Steering Committee (JNSC), which is the decision-making
body for PARC. We are seeking nominations for these seats:

2. Non-governmental Organization (NGO)/Non-profit
3. Industry (pet trade, forest products, energy, etc.)

Length of term: 2 years, beginning March of 2018

Roles & Responsibilities:

1. Participate in conference calls on the first Monday of every month,
​12:30-2 pm ET

2. Strategic planning and program-wide priority setting for PARC

3. Facilitate cross-agency/organization/entity collaboration

4. Share emerging issues and activities in relation to amphibian and
reptile conservation

5. Contribute to PARC conservation actions and initiatives

6. Attend the in-person JNSC meeting in March at the North American
Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference.


DEADLINE: 5 pm ET; Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Individuals may self-nominate or nominate someone else, but when nominating
someone other than yourself, please be sure that you have the nominee's
permission to do so. Please submit any nominations parc_coordinators@ and include:

1. Name

2. Title

3. Agency/organization/entity for which you work

4. Email

5. Phone

6. Brief statement of why you are interested in the position (if
self-nominating) or why you think the nominee would be a strong candidate
(if nominating someone else)

7. Short bio of the nominee (200 words or less)

Selection Process: The current JNSC members will vote among the nominees
for each seat in December and newly elected members will be notified asap
after the election.

Thanks in advance, and we look forward to your nominations!



(1) ​Melissa Amarello; SW PARC Jr. Co-chair; Co-Founder and Director of
Education for Advocates for Snake Preservation

(2) JJ Apodaca; Joint National Steering Committee Sr. Co-chair; Lead
Scientist and Founder, Tangled Bank Conservation​

(3) Mike Benard; MW PARC Sr. Co-chair; Associate Professor, Case Western
Reserve University

(4) Andrew Cantrell; SE PARC Sr. Co-chair; Wildlife Research Coordinator of
the Avian and Herpetology Lab & Ph.D. Student, Alabama A&M University

(5) Michelle Christman; PARC Joint National Steering Committee Jr.
Co-chair; Endangered Species Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service, New
Mexico Ecological Services Field Office

(6) Thomas Eason; AFWA Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Committee Vice
Chair; Division Director for Habitat & Species Conservation, Florida Fish &
Wildlife Conservation Commission

(7) Shelly Grow; Zoo Representative; Director of Conservation Programs,
Association of Zoos & Aquariums

(8) Candace M. Hansen-Hendrikx; NGO Representative; Director of Operations,
Amphibian Survival Alliance

(9) Jessica Homyack; Industry Representative; Manager, Environmental
Research North for Weyerhaeuser Co.

(10) Betsy Howell; NW PARC Co-chair; Wildlife Biologist, US Forest Service
at Olympic National Forest

(11) Dave Hu; PARC Federal Agencies Steering Committee Co-chair; National
Fisheries Biologist, Bureau of Land Management

(12) Ian Jessup; SW PARC Sr. Co-chair; Analytical Chemist, PhytaTech CO, LLC

(13) Priya Nanjappa; PARC National State Agencies Coordinator; Program
Manager, Amphibians & Reptiles, and Invasive Species, Association of Fish &
Wildlife Agencies

(14) Katie Parson; SE PARC Jr. Co-chair; MS Student, University of Georgia

(15) Noelle Rayman-Metcalf; NE PARC Jr. Co-chair; Endangered Species
Biologist, US Fish & Wildlife Service, New York Field Office

(16) Lindsay Rohrbaugh; NE PARC Sr. Co-chair; Fish and Wildlife Biologist,
DC Dept of Energy and Environment

(17) Allison Sacerdote-Velat; MW PARC Jr. Co-chair; Curator of Herpetology,
Chicago Academy of Sciences, Dept of Biology

(18) Catherine Sparks; AFWA Amphibian & Reptile Conservation Committee
Chair; Asst Director, Bureau of Natural Resources, Rhode Island Dept of
Environmental Management

(19) Katy Weil; NW PARC Jr. Co-chair; Senior Management Analyst, Oregon
Metro Parks and Nature, Conservation Program

(20) Jen Williams; PARC National Federal Coordinator; hosted by National
Park Service, but serves Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Bureau
of Land Management, Dept of Defense, Environmental Protection Agency, Farm
Service Agency, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Park Service,
Natural Resources Conservation Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, US
Forest Service, US Geological Survey

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