Field Projects International is recruiting participants interested in 
joining one of our research teams this summer in Southeast Peru.

Positions in each of our four programs are competitive, filled on a 
rolling basis, and include site fees that cover room and board, meals 
and snacks, and transfers between Puerto Maldonado and the field site.


This program was launched in 2012 and is now one of the most 
comprehensive studies of gastrointestinal parasites in South America. We 
employ microscopic and genetic tools to evaluate parasite infections in 
non-invasively collected fecal samples. Using these samples, we can 
identify an individual primate, determine its sex, tell if it is 
sexually mature, assess its stress level, and describe its health status 
(particularly in terms of parasites and disease). Since we are 
collecting samples from these primates consistently over time, we can 
follow parasites and diseases as they spread through populations and 
possibly spill over between species. We can also conduct population 
genetics on these monkeys, which – among other things – is a major tool 
for monitoring primate conservation status. With baseline data on 
parasites from already 11 primate species at the field station where we 
work, we can monitor if and how climate change may be altering parasite-
host relationships.

Community Disease Ecology Program Dates for 2017:

Session one: June 1st – July 1st
Session two: June 16th – July 16th
Session three: June 30th – July 30th
Session four: July 14th – August 13th

Application deadline: April 17th, 2017, or until all program openings 
are full

Program fee: $1800; $450 each additional week

Learn more:



This is a training program targeting students with an interest in 
wildlife handling, zoology, or veterinary science. Students will 
participate in an annual capture and release program mainly focused on 
tamarins (small Neotropical primates) in southeastern Peru. As part of 
our ongoing long-term monitoring project begun in 2009, each participant 
will handle upwards of 25 animals, gain valuable knowledge of their 
biology, learn to record morphometrics, collect and process a variety of 
samples, and become competent in several roles that are vital to a 
successful health screening program.

Wildlife Handling Program Dates for 2017

Start date: June 1st
End date: July 1st

Application deadline: April 17, 2017, or until all program openings are 

Program fee: $1800

Learn more:



Tamarin mating systems are exceptionally flexible, ranging from pair-
bonded monogamy to polygamy, even within the same species. Their 
vocalizations, which encode information on the producer’s age, sex, and 
reproductive status, may be integral to identifying mates and guiding 
dispersal. We aim to catalog the vocalizations of emperor and saddleback 
tamarins, and test whether calls can identify potential mates. We also 
collect data on adult scent gland morphology and scent-marking behavior, 
another main form of communication among tamarins. With olfactory 
communication, we want to understand the mechanisms that underlie the 
behavioral and physiological phenomenon known as reproductive 
suppression. What forms of communication from dominant females are 
responsible for suppressing maturation of subordinate females?

Participants will conduct full- and half-day follows of individually 
tagged primate troops, recording context-specific vocalizations 
alongside non-vocal forms of communication. Research Assistants will 
also learn to perform playback experiments, during which different 
vocalizations are played over a speaker to certain individuals and their 
responses are recorded.

Primate Communication Program Dates for 2017:

Session one: June 1st – July 15th
Session two: June 16th – July 30th

Application deadline: April 17, 2017, or until all program openings are 

Program fee: $2700; $450 each additional week

Learn more:



Primates are often heralded as a group of mammals that rely more on 
their vision than their olfactory senses. Tamarins are a particularly 
unique subset in which to examine the role of vision because they 
display a sex-biased variation in trichromatic (color) vision. To probe 
this topic, we use feeding experiments that test the reliance of 
tamarins on vision, olfaction, and taste when selecting ripe fruit.  We 
will also be conducting playback experiments to investigate whether 
various tamarin alarm calls emitted in response to specific threats can 
be distinguished across different species, as well as using urine and 
scent gland compounds to determine what olfactory signals are being 
emitted and how they are received.

Sensory Ecology Program Dates for 2017:

Session one: June 16th – July 8th
Session two: June 30th – July 22nd
Session three: July 14th – August 5th

Application deadline: April 17, 2017, or until all program openings are 

Program fee: $1350; $450 each additional week

Learn more:

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