
We are seeking a highly qualified and motivated individual to join our research 
team as a Research 
Associate for a project assessing the ecohydrological and socioeconomic 
potential for improving 
water quality and hydrologic regulation in the Midwest through the 
incorporation of perennial 
plants in strategic locations in agriculturally-dominated landscapes.  This 
position provides a 
unique opportunity to participate in a large interdisciplinary team and to be 
involved in a long-
term replicated, watershed-scale experiment.  

The Research Associate will be responsible for overseeing the day-to-day 
collection of field data 
on a range of ecohydrological parameters, including surface runoff, soil 
moisture, groundwater 
level, soil, water and plant nutrient analysis, soil respiration, plant 
transpiration, plant biomass, 
soil physical properties, and microclimate conditions.  Experience working with 
monitoring including using automated sampling equipment is highly desirable.  
demonstrated ability to manage and coordinate field and laboratory activities, 
excellent teamwork 
skills, and strong quantitative skills are required.  Applicants should have a 
Masters degree in a 
related field or equivalent work experience.

Iowa State University is a large, land grant institution committed to 
developing ecologically and 
socially sustainable alternatives to managing agricultural lands for multiple 
ecosystem services 
(  The research project is being conducted in collaboration 
with researchers at 
the U.S. Forest Service Research Station (Grand Rapids, MN) the ARS National 
Laboratory for 
Agriculture and the Environment (Ames, IA). The study is being conducted at the 
Neal Smith 
Wildlife Refuge, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, located 
near Prairie City, Iowa.  
This research is being funded by USDA’s Agricultural and Food Research 
Initiative (AFRI), the U.S. 
Forest Service (Grand Rapids, MN), the Leopold Center for Sustainable 
Agriculture, Sustainable 
Agriculture Research and Education (SARE), the Iowa Department of Agriculture 
and Land 
Stewardship (IDALS), and NSF’s Biocomplexity in the Environment program. 

The start date for the position is March 1, 2010 (though some flexibility is 
possible).  Interested 
individuals should submit an application including the following materials: 1) 
a letter of interest 
stating professional goals, research interests, and qualifications, 2) a 
resume, 3) university 
transcripts, and 4) the names, affiliations, email addresses, and phone numbers 
of three 
references.  For full consideration, please submit application materials by 
January 15, 2010.

For more details about this position, and to submit an application, please go 
to the following 

For specific questions regarding this position, please contact: 

Dr. Heidi Asbjornsen                                            Dr. Matt Helmers
Associate Professor                                             Associate 
Ecosystem Ecology and Restoration                       Extension Agric. 
Department of Natural Resource Ecology  Department of Agricultural & 
& Management                                                    Biosystems 
Iowa State University                                           Iowa State 
Ames, Iowa  50011-1010                                  Ames, IA 50011          
email:                             email:

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