Research Associate Position in Fisheries ecology

Ohio Department of Natural Resources-Division of Wildlife
The Ohio State University-Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

Description: Drs. Joseph D. Conroy (Ohio DNR-Division of Wildlife, ODNR-DOW), 
Richard D. Zweifel (ODNR-DOW), and Stuart A. Ludsin  (Ohio State 
University-Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, OSU-AEL) seek to hire a Research 
Associate to manage and coordinate a research project. The incumbent would use 
a spatially explicit, bioenergetics-based modeling approach to characterize 
habitat quality for several popular sportfishes (including, but not limited to, 
largemouth bass, walleye, saugeye, hybrid striped bass) in Ohio reservoirs that 
vary in terms of temperature, dissolved oxygen availability, prey availability, 
and ecosystem productivity. Model output will be used to assess the capacity of 
Ohio reservoirs to support multiple predators, which in turn can guide stocking 
and harvest.
The Research Associate's primary responsibilities will include: 1) developing 
spatially explicit models of reservoir habitat quality for sportfishes, using 
existing data collected by the ODNR-DOW during the past decade; 2) coordinating 
day-to-day project activities and meetings; and 3) helping generate 
peer-reviewed scientific articles, professional society presentations, and 
internal reports. While this project is primarily a computer modeling effort, 
opportunities to collect data in the field to calibrate and test model 
predictions are expected to emerge. Opportunities to help in the field on other 
projects also will exist.
Location: The incumbent would join an experienced fisheries research group at 
the ODNR-DOW's Inland Fisheries Research Unit (located in Hebron, OH), but also 
have ample opportunity to interact with faculty, post-docs, and students at the 
OSU-AEL (<>; located in Columbus).
Qualifications: The successful applicant must be creative, motivated, and 
capable of working well both independently and cooperatively with ODNR-DOW and 
OSU-AEL staff/personnel. Minimum qualifications include a M.S. degree in the 
fisheries, aquatic sciences, biological sciences, or a related field. Strong 
quantitative and communication skills are required. While not required, ideal 
candidates will have ecological modeling experience and some knowledge of 
fisheries acoustics, Geographic Information Systems, and statistical analysis.
Compensation: $29,536 - $34,590, depending on experience, and a very strong 
benefits package through OSU
How to apply: Electronically submit a cover letter, CV, and names/contact 
information of three (3) references to Joe Conroy at<> (please put 
"Research Associate" somewhere in the subject line). Application review will 
begin on June 1 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found. An ideal 
start date would be summer 2014, with funding available to begin on July 1, 
2014. Feel free to direct questions to Dr. Conroy.
Stuart A. Ludsin
Associate Professor
Co-Director, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory

College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal 
Aquatic Ecology Laboratory, 222 Research Center, 1314 Kinnear Road, Columbus, 
OH 43212
614-292-1613 Office / 614-795-7044 Mobile / 614-292-0181 Fax<> email / & web

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