Research Associate needed ASAP

Location: Texas Fisheries and Wildlife Coop Unit, Texas Tech University, 
Lubbock, Texas

Timing and duration:  To be filled ASAP and funded at least through Sept 2011.

Duties: Support principal investigator and coordinate with other investigators 
and cooperators from USGS, Texas Tech University, Texas Parks and Wildlife 
Department, New Mexico State Game and Fish Department, Texas Commission on 
Environmental  Quality, and others on a large scale meta-analysis project 
examining the impacts of climate change and water quality on fish communities 
and algal blooms, including database management, statistical and landscape 
level analyses, report writing, manuscript preparation.

Minimum requirements:  Master’s degree in biology, hydrology, or natural 
 related field, experience with Arc GIS, statistical analysis, and professional 
writing skills.

Salary: $40,000 per year with benefits

Please send a cover letter and CV with references to:

Dr. Reynaldo Patiño
Texas Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit
Texas Tech University
Agricultural Sciences Rm 218
Mailstop 2120
Lubbock, TX 79409-2120
(806) 742-2851

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