Thank you, Ecolog! I posted yesterday about how to estimate canopy coverage 
from GoogleEarth images, and your collective wisdom has lots of good info – 
don't let anyone say you're just a job board or aggregator of ecological non 
sequiturs. :)

Several people asked me to pass along the information I received, so here it is.


My original post:
Hello Ecolog – My colleagues and I are studying the reforestation of a 
reclaimed landfill - from essentially bare-ground to a reasonably dense forest 
from 1991 to present. I am interested in quantifying changes in percent canopy 
cover over time using GoogleEarth images. Their archived images include 
good–resolution growing season photos taken in 1995, 2001, 2005, 2007, and 
2010. Does anyone have suggestions as to how to quantify canopy coverage in 
each photo?

Many thanks!


A very simple software I've used is called i-tree canopy.
It uses google images and user classification to quantify canopy cover

It could be helpful.
The website is here:

I don't know if this will help, but some folks created a methdology called 
View-IT, using Google Earth to verify some satellite imagery for looking at 
forest cover
Virtual Interpretation of Earth Web-Interface Tool (VIEW-IT) for Collecting 
Land-Use/Land-Cover Reference Data, Matthew L. Clark 1,*  and T. Mitchell Aide 2 (open access).

Since you're working on a fairly small spatial scale, I assume you're
looking for a relatively low-tech solution, not a fancy object-oriented
processing scheme?  I've got colleagues using various methods.  One good
one that I've seen is to generate a random array of dots in your study
area, and just manually go through and count how many of the dots are or
are not tree canopy. Another that might be applicable is to use ImageJ
(open-source) to outline the tree canopy (either manually or having the
software do some of it automatically by color) and calculate the percent
of the image.  Depends on how much precision you need and how much time
you're willing to invest.  Some ImageJ info and tips are below, courtesy
of Jennifer Soltis.

Hi Jeff,

Since you're mostly dealing with digital versions of air photos, (as opposed to 
histogram matched and calibrated satellite data) you're immediately going to be 
either hand extracting or "photo-interpreting" the extent of the canopy layer 
within each of the images or (potentially) using an automated
(machine segmentation program) like eCognition, which, depending on a range of 
factors contained within each image set (lighting, texture, time of year, 
resolution, parallax, etc....)....  Either way, you're best off by having the 
same person(s) perform the analysis so that areas considered to be "FOREST" can 
be more uniformly assessed and mapped. (at some point you have to decide "how 
big does a tree or forested patch have to be, to be considered "FOREST".... 
with a virtually uniform gradient, spatially as well as temporally, from BARE 
SOIL to MATURE FOREST, that break line can be tricky to hit.

You'll have to be aware of a number of error factors within the work; how well 
each year\image epoch was "georeferenced", (or superimposed within a real-world 
feature space) both to real world features as well as each other... whether 
elevation factors were included in the correction process (ala orthocorrection 
processes to remove terrain displacement), etc... All of these can 
significantly affect the area metrics you compile for each image set.

And that's all assuming that you can somehow thread the data of the respective 
image layers that are served up via Google Earth, into an appropriate image 
processing or GIS capture software array. In my opinion, you certainly will not 
want to attempt the exercise within Google Earth itself. While single point, 
line or polygon feature creation is supported in the software, to attempt to 
extract large areas of adjacent feature layers would be an extraordinary 
challenge (it's really not intended to serve as a GIS, but as a simple 
"geobrowser" or tool to look at things). But if you have access to software 
like ArcGIS, there very likely may be a way to gain access to the imagery 
(often in a higher resolution and "clearer" version) as an online feature or 
map service which NYS and other agencies host.

How big is the area you are looking at? There are a number of satellite based 
end products as well as potential input layers (e.g. Landsat) which, at 30m 
resolution, you might be able to get some sense of the general trend (there are 
also versions of certain products that measure change in land cover over 

There are several methods you can use.


Nowak, D.J., R.A. Rowntree, E.G. McPherson, S.M. Sisinni, E.R. Kerkmann,
and J.C. Stevens. 1996. Measuring and Analyzing Urban Tree Cover.
Landscape and Urban Planning 36:49–57.

for an older approach that still gets a fair amount of use today, examples 

Nowak, D. J., & Greenfield, E. J. (2012). Tree and impervious cover change in 
U.S. cities. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 11(1), 21–30. 


Nowak, D. J., & Greenfield, E. J. (2012). Tree and impervious cover in the 
United States. Landscape and Urban Planning. 

Are you familiar with NDVI? You may consider using Google Earth Engine to 
calculate NDVI for you selected images. Your academic institution can request a 
free license, I believe.

Hi Jeff,

I went through this process conceptually and as well as using existing riparian 
forest restoration sites for the Bay/Delta HCP. In the end it was decided that 
the permitting agencies would accept ground sampling and I provided estimated 
height growth rates. Given soil differences that would lead to variation in 
growth rates and expected patchiness due to a range of establishment issues we 
opted out of using imagery.

1) Your cover metric does not include the overlap over sub-canopy cover. LiDAR 
is typically used to obtain that with varying degrees of success.
2) As John Mickelson pointed out, there are all kinds of spatial decisions that 
will affect your results as well as classification errors introduced by 
different observers and different imagery.
3) If you are only interested in doing this in a qualitative way you could use 
Photoshop to convert "green" to black pixels and everything else to white 
pixels and run a processing program, I used NIH Image, to get the relative 
amount of green vs other. If you know the area of the restoration project. This 
assumes that the terrain is almost flat and that the green pixel size is 
significantly smaller than the patchiness of the forest. This might be good 
enough for monitoring the success of the restoration in a coarse way for permit 
purposes if you can convince the agencies.
4) Note that Microsoft also offers similar imagery and sometimes the dates of 
the imagery could supplement your GoogleEarth imagery.
5) There is a vast forestry literature on measuring and modeling the growth of 
even age stands that you may want to take a look at but typically single 
species are involved and the statistics requires some kind of time sequence 
data. Talk to your foresters back east.

This article may be helpful.

Citation: Duhl, T.R., A.B. Guenther, and D. Helmig, 2012: Estimating urban 
vegetation cover fraction using Google Earth® images. Journal of Land Use 
Science, 7, 311-329, DOI: 10.1080/1747423X.2011.587207.

You can try Google's planetary-scale platform for environmental data &

Google Earth Engine brings together the world's satellite imagery —
trillions of scientific measurements dating back almost 40 years — and
makes it available online with tools for scientists, independent
researchers, and nations to mine this massive warehouse of data to detect
changes, map trends and quantify differences on the Earth's surface.
Applications include: detecting deforestation, classifying land cover,
estimating forest biomass and carbon, and mapping the world’s roadless areas


@Jeff_d_corbin Image J software should work. It's free:)

Jeffrey D. Corbin
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
Union College
Schenectady, NY 12308
(518) 388-6097

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