I am passing along the very sad news that world-renowned elephant researcher Jeheskel "Hezy" Shoshani was killed in the bombing of a public minibus taxi in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He had been returning home from Addis Ababa University, where he had been teaching for the past year and a half, when the explosion occurred on Tuesday evening. He suffered massive trauma and died on Wednesday morning. His wife Sandra sent out word of the tragedy yesterday from Hezy's e-mail address of [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Condolences have been arriving from around the world. In a beautiful gesture, the Cranbrook Institute of Science has honored Hezy's life and work by naming its display elephant skeleton "Hezy." If you knew Hezy or knew of his work, I'm sure that Sandra would appreciate a kind word.

Let there be peace!

Leslie Mertz, Ph.D.

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