WORK LOCATION:                             Smyrna, Delaware
EMPLOYMENT PERIOD:                  Full time (40 hours/week; 9 months)
POSITION AVAILABLE:                    Biological Aide for Wildlife Section

Primary responsibilities include monitoring and protecting piping plovers, 
American oystercatcher, and gull and tern colonies on beaches and islands in 
Sussex County Delaware (primarily Cape Henlopen, Delaware Seashore, and Fenwick 
Islands State Parks, and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge). Duties include 
monitoring territorial shorebird pairs, active nests and broods, monitoring 
tern and gull colonies, and protecting nesting habitat and nests with fence, 
signs, predator exclosures and by interacting with the public. The Biological 
Aide will also help train, schedule, and communicate with volunteers assisting 
the project.

After the field season, the Biological Aide will assist with data entry, 
management, and QA/QC, and prepare reports using GIS, Excel, and Access.

The Aide will also be responsible for serving as an alternate Hawk Migration 
Counter at the Cape Henlopen State Park Hawk Migration Station between 
September and November. Duties will entail identifying and recording migrating 
raptors and interpreting hawk migration patterns for the public.

This job requires working in challenging field conditions (i.e., biting 
insects, hot and cold conditions, walking in sand), and long days including 
some weekend and evening work.

The Aide may also have the opportunity to work on other Species Conservation 
and Research projects as assigned.

Preference for candidates with a Bachelor's degree in wildlife biology or a 
closely related degree, field experience, especially experience nesting 
searching for beach nesting birds, using predator exclosures at plover nests, 
and experience identifying raptors in flight. Familiarity with programs for 
data entry and management (i.e., GIS, Excel and Access) is desirable.

Candidates with either breeding shorebird OR raptor ID experience are 
encouraged to apply.

A valid driver's license and clean driving record.

Full time (40 hours/week) for up to 9 months at $10.00- $12.00 per hour.

Apply by emailing (preferred) or mailing a hard copy of your resume/CV 
(lastname_cv_shorebird.doc) along with a cover letter 
(lastname_coverletter_shorebird.doc) describing your qualifications, and 
contact information for three references to Audrey DeRose-Wilson 
Hardcopy applications can be sent to the ATTN: of Audrey DeRose-Wilson; 
Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife; 4876 Hay Point Landing Road; Smyrna, DE 
19977. Application deadline is March 5, 2018.

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