Dear Ecologers,

A new graduate student is sought to work on a recently funded NSF project "Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the Semantic Web" ( Funding is available for an MS student, while funding opportunities exist for students who want to pursue doctoral degree in related fields (e.g., landscape ecology, spatial analysis and modeling, geocomputation, and complexity theory). Please visit Dr. An's group webpage at (under Positions) for application procedures.

The student can start in the fall (spring likely) semester of 2011. Background in GIS, computer science, statistics, quantitative modeling, or a combination of them would be preferred.

Please go to for application procedures. If you have questions about this position, please contact Dr. An at <>. The following materials could be helpful: your most recent Curriculum Vita, transcripts, GRE Scores, TOEFL Scores (for international students only), and research statement.

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