TRACE 2015-(Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology), 20-23 May 
Sevilla, Spain 
REGISTRATION and ABSTRACT submission for the conference is OPEN.
For all the details visit 
LOW FEES and GRANTS for TRACE participants and ATR members
SHORT COURSES: 19 May 2015: Schedule 9:00-18:30; at the same time at Univ. 
Pablo Olavide. Minimum 10 students to conduct the course (first come first 
served, priority TRACE participants). (45€ each course for TRACE participants; 
75€ for Non-TRACE participant)
Confirmed courses
1. Modelling dendro data and process-based models (J.A. Blanco & G. 
2.Methods and applications of radiocarbon and stable isotopes in tree-ring (G. 
Battipaglia & J. Voltas)
3. Dendrochemistry and blue reflectance: exploring new tools for tree-ring 
science (R. Kaczka, A. Buras & A. Hevia)
4. Wood Anatomy in tree-ring research (H. Gärtner & A. Crivellaro)
More information about programs on the website soon. 
To participate fill in the TRACE registration form and send to 
 We are looking forward to welcome you in Sevilla,

TRACE 2015 - Organizing Committee
Achim Bräuning (on behalf of ATR)
Juan C. Linares (UPO)
Raúl Sánchez-Salguero (UPO)
José I. Seco (UPO)
J. Julio Camarero (IPE-CSIC)
Emilia Gutiérrez (UB)
José M. Olano (UVa)
Andrea Hevia (CETEMAS)
Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural Systems
University Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla 
Ctra. Utrera Km 1, 41013
Sevilla,  SPAIN

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