Dear Colleagues,

The Special Issue entitled "Formation and Fluxes of Soil Trace Gases" will be 
published in Soil Systems , ISSN 
2571-8789, and is now open to submissions of full research papers and 
comprehensive review articles for peer-review and possible publication.

Dr. Laura Meredith (University of Arizona), Dr. Kristin Boye (Stanford 
University), Dr. Rodrigo Vargas (University of Delaware) and Kathleen Savage 
(Woods Hole Research Center), are serving as Guest Editors for this issue.

We invite you to submit current research that addresses knowledge gaps 
regarding soil processes driving fluxes of trace gases that are either of 
direct concern for the local or global environment (e.g., methane, nitrous 
oxide, ozone, volatile metal(loid)s) or that can help fill gaps in current 
models of key element cycles (e.g., C, N). Work that helps identify key soil 
properties and mechanisms that regulate these fluxes is particularly welcome.

For further reading, please follow the link to the Special Issue Website:

The submission deadline is 31 October 2018. Review is rapid and fees are waived 
for good quality papers submitted in 2018. Submitted papers should not be under 
consideration for publication elsewhere.

For further details, please see the instructions for authors:

For submission, please click:

Please do not hesitate to contact with questions (


Laura K Meredith

Assistant Professor, The University of Arizona

School of Natural Resources and the Environment

ENR2 Bldg., 1064 E. Lowell Street, Tucson, AZ 85721

Office: N225, Phone: 520 621 1052

BIO5 Institute

Keating Bldg., 1657 E. Helen Street, Tucson, AZ 85721

Office: 203, Lab: 202, Phone: 520 626 4213 <>

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