[Forwarded from a general email from EPA]


Please join EPA's National Dialogue on Access to Environmental

Information.  Today, June 9, begins a week of on-line dialogue with our

environmental information partners to hear your ideas about how we can

enhance information access.


Contribute your ideas now!  http://blog.epa.gov/partners


The goal of the National Dialogue is to inform the development of a

multi-year EPA strategy on environmental information access which will

be completed later this calendar year.  As our partner in environmental

protection, you share an interest in enhancing access to high quality

environmental information to support our joint mission.  We need your

insights to understand the possibilities both now and for the future.


As the Chief Information Officer of the U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency, I thank you for your time and contributions to our National

Dialogue.   Please share this invitation with colleagues who may also be

interested in participating.  Background information and summaries of

what we've learned so far are available at:





Your blog comments will be available only this week and then a summary

will be posted on the web site.


 Should you have difficulties accessing the National Dialogue blog,

please contact nationaldialogue.epa.gov and we will assist you.



Molly A. O'Neill

Assistant Administrator and Chief Information Officer

Office of Environmental Information

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency



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