Summer Course: Ecology, Evolution, and Human Dimensions of Conservation 
Biology in The Bahamas
6 credit hours
Dr. Brian Langerhans and Dr. Nils Peterson, NC State University
Course website:
Trip Dates: May 22 – June 5, 2017
Cost: $2500
Open to students from any university or college.
Location: Andros Island, The Bahamas

The NC State Study Abroad Course in The Bahamas will be taught for the 
sixth time this summer. Greatly expand and apply your knowledge in 
Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation while having a blast in unique 
Caribbean ecosystems this summer! Come explore biodiversity and 
conservation on Andros Island, in the Caribbean pinelands and coppice, 
along the world’s third largest coral reef system, amid the 100’s of 
shallow, oligotrophic tidal creeks, and among the >300 unique water-
filled caves called blue holes. This program offers an exciting 
opportunity for hands-on research in the field in both aquatic and 
terrestrial ecosystems—previous students have published their research 
in high-impact peer-reviewed journals (6 published, 2 in review). See 
the course website for more information:

Apply now at
Application deadline is February 15th. 

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