Workshop on Movement Ecology of Marine Organisms: linking observations, data 
analysis tools 
and models

10-13 September 2018
University of Cape Town, South Africa

We invite applications from PhD students and early career scientists (PostDocs) 
to participate in a 
workshop on Movement Ecology of Marine Organisms: linking observations, data 
analysis tools 
and models, to be held at the University of Cape Town from 10-13 September 2018.

The Program
This workshop will bring together experts in observing and tracking marine 
organisms, statisticians 
skilled at analyzing spatial data and modelers with experience in developing 
and using models to 
project likely responses of organisms to varying environments. The workshop 
will comprise a 
mixture of lectures and hands-on practical sessions, including introductions to 
(stochastic) agent-
based models using  Netlogo and the Ichthyops software; tutorials in data 
analysis for modeling 
animal movement; and actual field observations (field trip). Participants are 
expected to participate 
in a group exercise to develop and apply an Individual-Based-Model and to 
prepare a poster 
presenting their own work. Upon completion, participants receive a course 
diploma with a 
recommended 2 ECTS.

Learning outcomes 
- Knowledge of several different kinds of data used to study movements and 
distribution of marine 
- Ability to apply selected statistical methods to analyse spatial data of 
marine organisms
- Understanding of how individual-based models are used to construct and test 
hypotheses of 
movements and behaviour of marine organisms
- Enhanced skills in teamwork in analysing data and applying an IBM to address 
a scientific 
research question or hypothesis

-       Paul Cowley (South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity, South 
-       Professor Øyvind Fiksen (University of Bergen, Norway)
-       Dr Christophe Lett (IRD and UCT, France)
-       Dr Christian Lindeman (University of Bergen, Norway)
-       Professor Coleen Moloney (University of Cape Town, workshop organiser)
-       Dr Theoni Photopoulou (St Andrews University, Scotland)
-       Dr Pierre Pistorius (Nelson Mandela University, South Africa)
-       Professor Steven Railsback (Humboldt State University, USA)
-       Dr Josefin Titleman (University of Oslo, Norway)
-       Professor Rory Wilson (University of Swansea, Wales)

Costs: The course itself is free of charge including lunch, however all other 
costs, i.e. 
accommodation and travel, will have to be paid by the participants. Financial 
support (travel and 
accommodation) to attend the workshop will be provided on a competitive basis 
to a limited 
number of participants. To apply to the workshop and for financial support, 
please complete the 
online application ( by 30 June 2018.
This workshop is financed by the FILAMO project (, funded 
through the 
INTPART program by the Norwegian Research Council & Norwegian Centre for 
Cooperation in Education.

For any further questions please contact either Coleen Moloney (coleen.moloney 
at or 
Chris Lindemann (chris.lindemann at

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