

Join other conservation-minded local/regional planners, scientists,
engineers, and policy-makers in this discussion of habitat connectivity
in California, hosted by UC Davis' Road Ecology Center & Information
Center for the Environment, Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Biology
Institute, and South Coast Wildlands,. The one-day forum (Nov. 17) will
feature scientists and local/regional planners presenting what we know
currently about wildlife habitat connectivity and how we can restore and
protect connectivity and permeability for wildlife movement. The second
day (Nov. 18) is for the truly enthusiastic to roll up their sleeves and
help us to develop a report for the state about what we know and what we
need to know. Termed the "Lessons Learned" report, it will contain
descriptions about past efforts to measure and model connectivity and
wildlife movement, the data and information gaps to be able to
confidently assess connectivity in California, and the existing and new
policies that can protect this critical attribute of California


On behalf of my co-hosts I look forward to participating in this
exciting event with you. To register, please contact Pamela Flick at
Defenders of Wildlife ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). For local logistics,
agenda questions, and scientific questions, please contact me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] The agenda and longer description of the forum
is the first item under announcements on the Road Ecology Center web
site (


Fraser Shilling

Co-Director, Road Ecology Center

& Department of Environmental Science and Policy

University of California, Davis 95616




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