On the new episode of the Mongabay podcast we play excerpts of our recent
interview with E.O. Wilson, hear him in his own words about Trump, hope,
the Anthropocene, and more, he sounds remarkable for being 87!

Then Mongabay director Rhett Butler reveals the ID of some mysterious
rainforest singers heard on each episode of the Mongabay Newscast, in
response to a listener question, it's a hauntingly beautiful recording he
created recently in Indonesia:

Listen here:


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<http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/mongabay-newscast>, TuneIn
<http://tunein.com/radio/Mongabay-Newscast-p914475/>, iTunes
, Google Play
<https://play.google.com/music/listen#/ps/Ii23ecdja5vf2we3ahata3x7uie>, and
RSS <http://mongabay.libsyn.com/rss>.



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*tw: @erikhoffner <https://twitter.com/ErikHoffner>*

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