Ecology/Evolution and Complex Systems 
University of Michigan

The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the Center for
the Study of Complex Systems of the University of Michigan seek
applicants to fill a tenure-track position in the application of complex
systems to ecology and/or evolution, pending final approval.  Although
we expect to hire at the assistant professor level, inquiries at a more
senior level are welcome.  The position will have a university year
appointment. Teaching responsibilities to be negotiated with the
applicant, but may include basic biology, complex systems, or
specialized aspects of ecology or evolution.  The applicant is expected
to have a demonstrated research record in ecological or evolutionary
modeling with a focus on complex systems.  For further information,
please see and

To apply, please provide:  complete curriculum vitae, statements of
current and future research plans and teaching philosophy and
experience,  evidence of teaching excellence if available, copies of
publications and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent
to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (preferred) or Evolution/Ecology and
Complex Systems Search Committee, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology, University of Michigan, 830 N. University, 2019-S Kraus Bldg,
Ann Arbor 48109-1048.  Review of applications will begin on December 1,
2008 and continue until a suitable candidate is identified.  Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply and the University is supportive of
the needs of dual career couples.  The University of Michigan is an
equal opportunity/affirmative action employer

Deborah Goldberg
Professor and Chair 
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48104

tel: 734-615-4912
fax: 734-763-0544

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