Hello All,

For a change of pace on this listserv from the self-flagellation of 
ecologists, I like to ask if anyone knows of an equation that uses 
carapace length of the crayfish Orconectes virilis to predict biomass.  I 
am removing these exotic crayfish from a developed spring to prepare for 
the introduction of Gila topminnow and desert pupfish. I plan on trapping 
through the fall and introducing the fish either this upcoming spring or 
next fall.  No, I don't expect to get all of them, but I'd like to reduce 
their population so these fish don't get eaten right away.  I'm taking 
sex/carapace length info on about 10% of individuals. I'd like to estimate 
the amount of biomass I am removing in crayfish from this system.  And 
yes, we are eating the ones that are big enough.

Thank you,

Shannon Torrence, PhD
Wildlife Biologist
Tonto Basin Ranger District, Tonto NF
28079 N. AZ Hwy 188
Roosevelt, AZ 85545
928-467-3218 office
928-467-3239 fax

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