*Post-doctoral fellowship in bioinformatics / biostatistics in Montpellier*

Applications are sought from outstanding researchers for a postdoctoral
position bioinformatics and biostatistics in Samuel Alizon's group at the
CNRS in Montpellier (France).

*Context.* The fellow will be part of the European Research Council (ERC)
EVOLPROOF project, which focuses on the ecology and evolution of human
papillomaviruses (HPV). He/she will be in charge of analysing original
viral, bacterial and human sequence data collected during the project.
He/she is also expected to contribute to statistical analyses (e.g.
fitting mathematical
models to time series data, performing genome wide association studies, or
analysing large datasets).

* Data.* The EVOLPROOF project aims at assessing whether HPV will evolve in
response to novel iatrogenic pressures. To address this question, a clinical
study has begun at the University Hospital in Montpellier that follows
young women longitudinally. Viral and bacterial DNA and RNA is being collected
in order to study genetic variations over time using next generation
sequencing tools. Human DNA is collected at inclusion in order to control
for host genetic effects. In addition to this genetic data, virological and
immunological (cytokine densities, antibody titers) data is also being

*Team.* Samuel Alizon's group is currently composed of a post-doctoral fellow
in ecological modelling (Carmen Lía Murall) and two engineers (Massilva
Rahmoun and Jean Ngou) working on the ERC project, and two PhD students
(Mircea Sofonea and Emma Saulnier). Several collaborations are already
active for instance with Giuseppe d'Auria (sequencing, Valencia), Ignacio
Bravo (HPV evolution, CNRS Montpellier), Jacques Ravel (vaginal microbiota,
University of Maryland), Jérémie Guedj (within-host kinetics, INSERM Paris)
or Olivier Gascuel (computational biology, CNRS Montpellier/Pasteur
Institute Paris). For more information on the research group, see

*Profile.* PhD in computational biology, biostatistics or a related field.
Experience in handling and analysing next-generation sequence data is
paramount. Experience in evolutionary biology, microbiology and/or
tools is an asset. Excellent English skills and the ability to work
collectively are essential.

*Salary.* The position will last at least for 2 years and can be extended
to 3 years. The net salary will range from 2000€ to 3000€ per month
(including social security) depending on experience based on the CNRS pay

*Timing.* The anticipated starting date is Sept 1st (but a later start is

*Application.* The deadline is set to March 15. To apply, send within a single
PDF a current CV, a short statement of research interests, and the name of
at least two researchers who can be contacted for reference to

*Location.* A one thousand year old city, Montpellier is a thriving research
community with a multitude of ecology, evolution and biomedical research
centers. It is the fastest growing city in France and very international
with many foreign researchers and students. The historical center offers
one of the largest pedestrian areas in Europe. The northern surroundings
are peppered with vineyards, hills, rivers, and cliffs, while the
Mediterranean sea is within a bike ride to the south. High-speed train
connects the city to Paris (3.5 hours), Lyon (2h), Toulouse (2h15) or
Barcelona (3h). The MIVEGEC department  (http://www.mivegec.ird.fr/en/)
hosts approx. 50 researchers and is one of the leading departments in
Europe on the ecology and evolution of infection diseases. It is also
affiliated to Montpellier's Computational Biology Institute (

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