Here is the revised internship schedule for 2013:

spring          Tuesday, April 02, 2013         - Tuesday, May 28, 2013

summer          Saturday, June 08, 2013         - Saturday, August 03, 2013

early fall      Wednesday, August 14, 2013      - Wednesday, October 09, 2013

late fall       Sunday, October 20, 2013        - Sunday, December 15, 2013


Here´s a little about the program. Also see our website for more details:

And please understand that, as we spend most of our time off-the-grid in the
forest, our internet time is extremely limited. We've made the website as
thorough as we can, so please check there before emailing with questions.


We are working towards a sustainable future in the rainforest of Ecuador and
we need help! A few years ago, a few of us—ecology, economics, and business
graduates founded a non-profit organization called Third Millennium
Alliance. We raised some money and bought a lot of land in a critically
endangered rainforest and established an ecological reserve. There was a
small patch of previously degraded land right in the middle where we have
built an innovative and surprisingly comfortable research station out of
bamboo, by hand. Immediately surrounding the house we are
designing/growing/building a living laboratory of sustainable resource
management (i.e. permaculture).

Here, and in the neighboring community of Camarones, we are working for a
locally appropriate model of sustainable living. Our goal for ourselves is
100% food self-sufficiency within ten years. For the surrounding communities
we seek economically and ecologically sustainable alternatives to logging,
hunting, and cattle ranching, which are the major threats to this endangered

Interns are encouraged to take on high-impact and dynamic projects; we are a
young organization forging our path as we discover it. There is a tremendous
amount of work to be done and experience to be gained – for interns and for
us. Above all, creativity and innovation are the fuel of our intern programs.

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