Hello colleagues,

A student in my lab is trying to use qPCR to determine bacteria-to-fungi
ratios in wetland soils.  Even though there are several publications using
the method (which we’re read and followed carefully!), we’re having trouble
- especially with the fungi assay.

I am writing in hopes of finding either an experienced user who can help us
trouble shoot, or a lab that might be willing to collaborate to help us
analyze ~100 samples that we have archived.

Responses off list are probably most appropriate.  Any help would be much
appreciated!!!  Including suggestions for other groups of researchers I
should contact.  The student has written a few of the groups that publish
using this procedure but has received no replies.




Rima B. Franklin
Assistant Professor
Virginia Commonwealth University

Department of Biology
1000 W Cary Street
Richmond, VA 23284


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