It has recently come to light that the Institute of Creation Research is
fielding an accredited graduate school in California.

Since the ICR is founded on a premise than has been proven false, namely
young earth creationism, how is this possible?

It would seem that the accrediting procedure is essentially meaningless.  I
assume any premise could serve as the basis for accreditation.  This does
not leave a whole lot of room for academic credibility.  Is there any
recourse to address this?

I would appreciate feedback from academicians who have experience with
accrediting procedures.

Jim Sparks
James L. Sparks Jr. M.Sc.
Freelance Ecology
4530 E. Seminary Ave.
Richmond, VA 23227
804.426.2479 (cell)

"Quis custodiet ipso custodes?" -Juvenal

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