I would tend to think that appreciation for art and aesthetics are human=
 perceptions, and even in the plants you mentioned that have highly deve=
loped composition and symmetry, they at the same time have the afore men=
tioned showy color, size, fragrance, shape, UV characteristics, etc.  Re=
member to, that insects have completely different visual systems than ou=
rs and don't "percieve" flowers the same way we do.  I would think their=
 vision more closely resembles an acid trip. =20
I saw a cartoon years ago on my professor's wall that show four creature=
s: a single - celled organism, an amphibian, a monkey, and a human (simu=
lating evolution).  The first three were all thinking "Eat, survive, rep=
roduce...  Eat, survive, reproduce..."  The human was thinking "What's i=
t all about=3F" =20

I'd personally rather be the amphibian.  These big brains get us in trou=
ble. =20
Jacob Lowe
La Reserva Ecologica Taricaya
  > Many wildflowers are very beautiful, meaning that they have highly
> developed
> aesthetic values. Some of these traits, such as showy color, size, and
> fragrance clearly give a flower great competitive advantage in attract=
> pollinators. There are other aesthetic values-- composition and
> symmetry-- for
> which no competitive advantage is apparent. (To me, at least.)
> But, composition and symmetry (as artistic values) are highly develope=
> in
> many wild flowers, and some of these are only pollinated by insects.
> Should
> we conclude from this that insects can "appreciate art," or is there s=
> other "scientific" explanation=3F Dare we allow a non-scientific
> explanation=3F
> I understand that beauty and its recognition is a powerful selector in
> man,
> but I think I can confine the issue to just the flowers.
> Forgive me if ignorance has allowed me to bring up a question with an
> easy
> answer.
> Ernie Rogers


Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 22:28:53 +0000
Subject: Split-plot ANOVA in Systat

Anyone out there have experience setting up data to be analyzed in a=20
split-plot design in SYSTAT (I have version 10)=3F
Please reply off list if you would be willing to help me go through the=
initial set-up steps.
Thank you in advance.
Lauren Quinn

Lauren Quinn, Ph.D.
Natural Sciences and Mathematics Dept.
Dominican University of California
San Rafael, CA 94901

Watch free concerts with Pink, Rod Stewart, Oasis and more. Visit MSN=20
Presents today.=20


Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2007 20:54:42 -0400
From: adam herbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: gas shmass

I am absolutely thrilled by the number of heart-felt responses I receive=
d to
my provocative email about dumping our addiction to oil in favour of bik=
and public transportation. I do have a slight advantage, I must admit,
having served in Ecuador as a Peace Corps volunteer and seeing how it is
possible to do without a internal combustible engine vehicle, despite
irregular (at best) public transportation. I remember seeing whole famil=
(4 people) riding on a single bicycle and students walking 6+ km to scho=
why did they conserve=3F well, not because they WANTED to but because th=
HAD to. so maybe that has something to do with it, believing that you ha=
no other options. the bus in my area runs every 1.75 hours and it is
0.5miles to the bus stop, so I most often choose to ride my bike the
14 miles
to work, additionally I have been hit 3 times by cars while riding my
bike. Do I think because I can do it everyone else can, well not really,=
I a martyr, no; stubborn, definitely. I think it comes down to just
convincing yourself that there IS no other option, you will be amazed at=
power of innovation of the human brain when it believes that it can't ju=
jump in the car to run that errand or get that instrument forgotten. Sur=
it requires A LOT of forethought and planning. Ultimately I choose to
criticize fellow scientists because with the exception of the few elite
politicians and oil industry employees that know the hard truth, scienti=
SHOULD know better. All the rationalizing in the world about the quality=
research that vehicles enable us to do and practical arguments about
families and distance traveled to work really comes down to the fact tha=
t we
are a pampered and lazy nation. Above and beyond "lead by example" and
slow-moving litigation change arguments, the easiest way to just say no =
to quit buying gasoline. or at least quit buying so much, like is it rea=
necessary for my colleagues to drive only themselves somewhere for lunch=
back=3F is carpooling really that much of a loss of independence=3F take=
step outside the whole system that our economy is based upon and feel th=
wind in your face, you will not be disappointed.
thank you for tempering my less than discreet ranting
Adam Herbert


End of ECOLOG-L Digest - 29 Mar 2007 to 30 Mar 2007 (#2007-88)

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